What does your business gain from Anybooky.com?

  • Your services can be booked 24 hours a day!

    Clients have access to the calendar of your services and the ability to book appointments regardless of the time of day and the hours of operation of your salon.
    This way you don’t lose interested clients and save your time.

  • Excellent control, on any device

    From anywhere, at any time, you have an overview of the situation in your salon. This makes it easier to optimize and adjust salon operations
    to the actual needs.

  • Quality and professionalism

    Create your own customer base and build lasting relationships with them.
    Send email/sms notifications and reduce forgotten visits.

  • Functionality for every industry

    The available functionalities are tailored to any business, from a workshop and doctor’s office, to a hair salon and nail stylist, to an investment advisor or lawyer. You choose for yourself what you need.

  • Better employee management

    Save time by organizing your and your employees’ work more efficiently.
    Distribute tasks, schedule work and manage vacations.

What do your customers gain from Anybooky.com?

anybooky grafy2

Ability to contact your offer 24/7

Access to your services around the clock! No risk of busy phones, unavailability, confusion and no extra costs.

They have access to your services when they need it!


Friendly and professional reminders that dramatically reduce the risk of “forgetting” an appointment. By the way, they almost automatically build your professional image.

Integration with private calendar

An appointment made with your company can land instantly on your client’s Google calendar

History of visits

History of visits to you and an even greater chance of using your services again

1,000,000+ service bookings behind us!

Use a proven tool

Anybooky grows with its customers. We listen to your feedback and improve. This is how we develop tools and systems that you are eager to use.
We want to be better and better – for you.
Tell us what functionalities you need, and we’ll provide them.

Key features and values

  • Responsywność

    Pełna dostępność bez względu na medium: komputer, tablet czy smartfon – wszędzie łatwo Ci będzie korzystać z Anybooky.

  • API do zewnętrznych systemów i kalendarzy

    Koniec z zaglądaniem do kilku kalendarzy i próby pogodzenia ze sobą nakładających się terminów. Anybooki może integrować terminy umówień z wielu kalendarzy, włącznie z kalendarzem Google.

  • Automatyczne przypomnienia SMS i E-Mail

    Dzięki wysyłanym przypomnieniom mailowym i SMS-owym oraz prostej w obsłudze funkcji zmiany umówionego terminu, liczba punktualnych Klientów szybko rośnie. A Ty zyskujesz wizerunek profesjonalnego Partnera! Spóźniający się klienci odchodzą w zapomnienie.

  • Uniwersalna konfiguracja

    Dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu, uwzględniamy potrzeby wielu branż czyniąc Anybooky prawdziwie uniwersalnym narzędziem.

  • Szybka konfiguracja

    Potrzeba niewielu minut, by przygotować swój firmowy kalendarz do działania i odwiedziny pierwszych klientów.

  • Wiele korzyści dla Twojej firmy

    Najważniejsze korzyści, jakie wskazują bieżący użytkownicy, to:

    • dostęp do nowych klientów detalicznych
    • porządek w rezerwacjach terminów wykonywanych usług
    • połączenie z zewnętrznymi systemami i usprawnienie codziennej pracy
    • możliwość obsługi klientów sieci serwisów i flot
  • Responsivity

    Full accessibility regardless of the medium: computer, tablet or smartphone – it will be easy for you to use Anybooky everywhere.

  • API to external systems and calendars

    No more looking at several calendars and trying to reconcile overlapping appointments. Anybooki can integrate appointments from multiple calendars, including Google Calendar.

  • Automatic SMS and E-Mail reminders

    Thanks to the email and SMS reminders sent and the easy-to-use rescheduling function, the number of punctual clients is growing rapidly. And you gain the image of a professional Partner! Late customers are becoming a thing of the past.

  • Universal configuration

    With years of experience, we take into account the needs of many industries making Anybooks a truly universal tool.

  • Quick setup

    It takes only a few minutes to get your corporate calendar ready for action and to visit your first customers.

  • Many benefits for your business

    The most important benefits indicated by current users are:

    • access to new retail customers
    • order in the booking of appointments for services performed
    • connection to external systems and streamlining of daily work
    • ability to serve customers of service networks and fleets

What do you need to do?

Just a few steps to follow

Go to Anybooky.com

Create a FREE account.

If need be, you can easily swap this version for another one!

Configure your company's calendar.

Enter the basic data of the company, the opening hours, the number of positions and the names of the services performed at them.

Set up reminders

Determine what email and SMS reminders your customers will receive.

Enjoy the order and new customers.

Easily keep your business in order, plan your and your employees’ work better, and keep track of satisfied customers and profits!


Check out what each version of AnyBooky offers.
Find the right version for your company or call us
and confirm your expected set of functionalities.


X ,-per month / billed annualy
  • Booking your services open 24/7
  • Sending E-Mail/SMS reminders
    Number of address locations (service locations) per company
  • Free SMS reminders in a monthly package
    You will receive this number of SMS reminder messages FREE in your monthly package. Of course, you can buy additional SMS message packages at any time.
  • Number of address points per company
    Number of address locations (service locations) per company
  • Number of users
    Number of application users at a given address point
  • Number of posts
    Number of posts of service operation at a given address point
  • Number of services on each post
    Maximal number of services available for booking at each station
  • APIs to external IT systems
    API to external information systems enabling data exchange and integration
    net per month with annual subscription
    That's all you'll pay for AnyBooks in the version of your choice!
  • Comments
    That's all you'll pay for AnyBooks in the version of your choice!


0,-12 months
  • Yes
  • Yes / Yes
  • None/ Can be purchased
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 3
  • unavailable
  • 0,- Euro Net / 12 months
  • You can determine the number and content of SMS messages sent for each appointment on your own. Once you have used up the messages available in the package, you can buy more SMS on your own, in prepaid mode.


20,-per month / billed annualy
  • Yes
  • Yes / Yes
  • 50 SMS / additional can be purchased
  • 1
  • up to 3
  • up to 3
  • up to 10
  • unavailable
  • 20,-
    Euro Net month with annual subscription
  • You can determine the number and content of SMS messages sent for each appointment on your own. Once you have used up the messages available in the package, you can buy more SMS on your own, in prepaid mode.


35,-per month / billed annualy
  • Yes
  • Yes / Yes
  • 150 SMS / additional can be purchased
  • 1
  • up to 5
  • up to 10
  • up to 25
  • yes
  • 35,-
    Euro Net month with annual subscription
  • You can determine the number and content of SMS messages sent for each appointment on your own. Once you have used up the messages available in the package, you can buy more SMS on your own, in prepaid mode.


TBDper month / billed annualy
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • as agreed
  • Send us an inquiry specifying the quantity parameters: Number of address points Number of posts/point Number of services/position

For businesses interested in integrating their own IT systems with the calendars of Anybooky.com clients – service or service point networks – we have prepared a separate offer of cooperation. We invite all interested parties to contact us.

Let’s become Technology Partners!

If you offer products or services or are an Application Developer that can become even more useful and versatile with Anybooky, it’s time to get in touch with us.
We will be happy to integrate your solutions or create dedicated communication between our systems.

Contact Us:

+48 600 800 007   /   partner@anybooky.com